Vocational Training Tanzania Jessica Turner

End of Project Evaluation of the Many Hands Make Light Work: Eliminating Slavery in Child Domestic Work


Ghana and Tanzania

Location(s) within Country

Central Region (Ghana) and Mwanza (Tanzania)

Start Date

August 2023

End Date

October 2023

Name of Client(s)

Anti-Slavery International

Origin of Funding

Norad (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation)

Name of Partner(s)

None (Individual corporate entity)

Description of the programme/ objectives

In response to the pressing challenges associated with child domestic work in Ghana and Tanzania, Anti-Slavery International, in partnership with LAWA-Ghana, Challenging Heights (Ghana), and the Tanzania Child Domestic Workers Coalition, set an intervention, “Many Hands Make Light Work: Eliminating Slavery in Child Domestic Work,” to collaboratively address the challenges. This 33-month-long project has its sights set on liberating children from the clutches of exploitation and abuse, ensuring that children involved in child domestic work have their rights respected, and enabling them to lead full and independent lives. By elevating the visibility of this issue across governance tiers, the initiative endeavours to foster improved regulation and strict enforcement.

As the project approaches its end, Anti-Slavery International was seeking the services of a consultant to undertake an end-of-project evaluation to assess the project’s performance, determine the extent to which project goals were met, and provide an account of what led to achieving high or low levels of success, among others.

Description of the services provided/ main activities

Review project documents and gather information to gain an understanding of the project’s goals, objectives, and activities; conduct field visits to project districts to gather data on project implementation, including key informant interviews and focus group discussions with the primary beneficiaries (child domestic workers), employers, and community-level duty bearers; analyse the data collected to assess the project’s effectiveness in achieving its goals and objectives and to identify areas for improvement. Prepare a report that summarises the findings of the evaluation and provides recommendations for future project implementation and sustainability.

[Photo credit: Jessica Turner for Anti-Slavery International]