Our Work

Bio-rights Feasibility Study to link alternative livelihoods as incentive to the implementation of Mangroves General Management Plan in Rufiji Delta

June 2024
July 2024
The Rufiji Delta, located in Tanzania, is one of the most significant mangrove ecosystems in East Africa, crucial for both biodiversity and local livelihoods. It supports a diverse range of flora and fauna and provides essential ecosystem services such as coastal protection, fishery resources, and carbon sequestration. Recent data show that the Rufiji Delta supports over 30,000 local people who rely heavily on these mangroves for their livelihoods, including fishing, farming, and harvesting forest…

Study of Vi Agroforestry’s impact on agrobiodiversity through Sustainable Agriculture and Land Management (SALM) and agroforestry

March 2024
May 2024
Vi Agroforestry has, through sustainable agriculture and land management (SALM) and agroforestry, been promoting a diversification of species planted and animals reared on farmland. This methodology and the diversification have had an impact on biodiversity, both through direct diversification of crops but also indirectly through promoting an environment where species of animals, insects, and plants can thrive. Through storytelling and observations, Vi Agroforestry has established…
Mid-term Evaluation of the project “Increasing Access to Equitable Cataract Services in Four Regions of Tanzania”

Mid-term Evaluation of the project “Increasing Access to Equitable Cataract Services in Four Regions of Tanzania”

December 2023
April 2024
Vision impairment and blindness remain pressing public health challenges in Tanzania. The Tanzania National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey indicates that approximately 1.1% of the population is visually impaired, with cataracts emerging as the primary cause of blindness. In response to this critical issue, the Fred Hollows Foundation, in collaboration with the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), initiated the project titled “Increasing…
irls’ Empowerment Index Baseline Survey of UNICEF’s “Integrated Programme on Empowering Adolescent Girls Through Ending Child Marriage in Tanzania (2023-2024)”

Girls’ Empowerment Index Baseline Survey of UNICEF’s “Integrated Programme on Empowering Adolescent Girls Through Ending Child Marriage in Tanzania (2023-2024)”

October 2023
February 2024
UNICEF Tanzania is implementing an integrated adolescent girls’ programme that focuses on the empowerment of adolescent girls through ending child marriage using a multi-sectoral approach. It aims to create a model for adolescent girls’ empowerment so that they can be key actors in the development of Tanzania, which is envisioned in UNICEF Tanzania’s new country programme 2022- 2027 as well as in national priorities such as the National Accelerated Action and Investment Agenda…

AfriFOODlinks Project, a 20-City Research Initiative: City Research for Arusha Sharing City

October 2023
March 2026
Launched in December 2022, AfriFOODlinks is an EU-funded project that aims to improve food and nutrition security while delivering positive outcomes for climate and the environment and building social and ecological resilience in 65+ cities in Africa and Europe. Coordinated by ICLEI Africa, the project gathers 35 partners across the African and European continents and aims to improve food security and urban sustainability in African cities by: (i) applying an urban food systems lens…
Vocational Training Tanzania Jessica Turner

End of Project Evaluation of the Many Hands Make Light Work: Eliminating Slavery in Child Domestic Work

August 2023
October 2023
In response to the pressing challenges associated with child domestic work in Ghana and Tanzania, Anti-Slavery International, in partnership with LAWA-Ghana, Challenging Heights (Ghana), and the Tanzania Child Domestic Workers Coalition, set an intervention, “Many Hands Make Light Work: Eliminating Slavery in Child Domestic Work,” to collaboratively address the challenges. This 33-month-long project has its sights set on liberating from the clutches of exploitation and abuse, ensuring that…
Karl Kubel

End-line Evaluation of the Improvement of Child Protection Project (UWAWA) in Tanzania and the Feasibility Study of the follow-up project Expanding Child Protection in Tanzania

January 2023
February 2023
The Karl Kübel Stiftung für Kind und Familie and Christian Social Services Commission, hereafter called “the consortium,” are planning to initiate a new project to expand child protection in Tanzania. The project will be based on the results of the project “Improvement of Child Protection in Tanzania” (P4421), which is currently being implemented by the consortium. To support the proposal development process for the new project, the consortium looked for a consultant to conduct an evaluation…
An exploration study on how people of different generations living in the urban areas of Tanzania (Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, and Zanzibar) learn to cook

An exploration study on how people of different generations living in the urban areas of Tanzania (Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, and Zanzibar) learn to cook

October 2022
January 2023
MECS is taking different initiatives to support the transition of low-income economies from biomass to the use of modern energy cooking services (i.e., cooking with electricity, gas, or renewable energies). It calls for a greater focus on modern energy as the source of clean cooking and has evidenced that cooking with modern energy using energy-efficient appliances can be cost-effective, particularly for urban communities. To understand how people of different generations learn to cook…
