Karl Kubel

End-line Evaluation of the Improvement of Child Protection Project (UWAWA) in Tanzania and the Feasibility Study of the follow-up project Expanding Child Protection in Tanzania



Location(s) within Country

Mwanza, Kagera, and Pwani

Start Date

January 2023

End Date

February 2023

Name of Client(s)

Karl Kübel Stiftung für Kind und Familie & Christian Social Services Commission

Origin of Funding

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Name of Partner(s)

None (Individual corporate entity)

Description of the programme/ objectives

The Karl Kübel Stiftung für Kind und Familie and Christian Social Services Commission, hereafter called “the consortium,” are planning to initiate a new project to expand child protection in Tanzania. The project will be based on the results of the project “Improvement of Child Protection in Tanzania” (P4421), which is currently being implemented by the consortium.

To support the proposal development process for the new project, the consortium looked for a consultant to conduct an evaluation of the P4421, including a feasibility study of the planned interventions of the follow-up project titled “Expanding Child Protection in Tanzania.”

Description of the services provided/ main activities

Review project documents and gather information from project stakeholders to gain an understanding of the project’s goals, objectives, and activities; conduct field visits to project sites to gather data on project implementation, including observations of project activities, interviews with project staff, and focus group discussions with project beneficiaries; analyse data collected through field visits to assess the project’s effectiveness in achieving its goals and objectives and to identify areas for improvement; prepare a report that summarizes the findings of the evaluation and provides recommendations for future project implementation and sustainability.

Conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the potential for the project to be scaled-up or replicated in other communities; prepare a final report that presents the findings of the feasibility study, including recommendations for future action; present the final report and recommendations to project stakeholders, including project partners and other relevant parties.